Q:        Is there a limit on the number of songs I can enter?
A:        No, you can enter as many songs as you wish

Q:        How do I submit my song(s) to the entry platform? 
A:         You complete the online Entry form  and submit your MP3 file and you upload your lyrics in PDF format.
             Once you have completed your entries your payment will be processed via PayPal (credit cards are fine if you don’t have a PayPal
             account).  Once your payment has processed your entries to the contest will be saved on the platform ready for judging.

Q:        Who do I contact if I experience problems entering/uploading songs to the competition?
A:         If you experience any technical problems entering, uploading songs etc. using this site then please contact
             admin@songcentral.com.au for assistance. Please include a description of your problem and your phone number.

Q:        What should I do if my songs are not in the right format?
A:         Your songs must be in MP3 format.  If they are not in the right format then you will need to convert them to MP3-128kbps files. 
            There are MP3 converters available on the internet that you can use to convert your files.

Q:        Who should I contact if I have questions about the competition e.g. deadlines, rules, category queries, judging etc.?
A:         If you have any questions to do with the competition itself, then you will need to contact the organisor of the Songwriter The Great Southern Song Comp by going to the contact page at www.lionroarsmanagement.com

Q:        What are the options for payment to enter the Songwriter The Great Southern Song Comp? 
A:         The Payment options are: via PayPal either via (a) PayPal account or (b) Credit Card (Amex, MasterCard or Visa)

Q:        What happens to my songs once the competition is over?
A:         All songs entered into the competition will be deleted from Song Central’s server once the competition and all judging is complete.

Q:        Where does my entrant fee payment go?
A:         Song Central forwards payments (collected via its site) to the organisor,  Lionroars Management, following closure of the contest for judging.

Q:        My song has been sent to radio stations, and a few have been sold at gigs etc. can I enter them into the GSSC?
A:         Yes, however the following Rule of entry continues to apply i.e. your song must not infringe copyright of others.